Just in case you hadn't heard, the Stache Bash at Holocene was a staching success. Not only did we manage to brin
g in almost $4000 of net proceeds for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Oregon, but we had a great time doing it. Our cadre of M4K PDX Growers blew the club away with their struts, haikus, beer foam retention, and general awesomeness. Crazy fundraising skills indeed.
We have big plans to catalog the glorious haiku action just as soon as we can (read: Growers, email us your haikus!). But if you'd like a more visually interesting re-cap of the Bash we highly recommend that you check it out on Flickr.
We have big plans to catalog the glorious haiku action just as soon as we can (read: Growers, email us your haikus!). But if you'd like a more visually interesting re-cap of the Bash we highly recommend that you check it out on Flickr.
For now, we hope you like what you see:
Mario & Luigi: Mustache Coreography
Child Molester Stache, Policeman Stache...and yes,
that's Borat in the back
Borat & Nacho Libre:
Portland's Sweetest Stache and 1st Runner Up
There you have it, folks. We'll keep you posted on our follow-up checkpoint. And of course, on M4K PDX 2008. It's bound to be a great success - a great success for the kids!
M4K PDX: Just Grow It.