The City of Roses

Sprouting Sweet 'Staches for Charity Since 2007

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Checkpoint 3 at :Vendetta on 12/5!

Checkpoint 2 was bursting with mustache flavor last Wednesday at Bar of the Gods. To see the photographic evidence for yourself, click here

Checkpoint 3 is just around the corner - we'll hit :Vendetta (4306 N Williams Ave.) at 7pm on Wednesday, December 5 to compare growth, offer support, tally our earnings, take some more glamour shots, and (let's be honest) drink beer. It's time we start getting psyched for the Bash, which is less than three weeks away! So come to checkpoint 3 armed with costume ideas for the catwalk and theme song ideas for the DJ. Yup.


M4K PDX: Just Grow It

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